
Proverb: Penye udhia penyeza rupia
Translation: Where there is trouble, make use of a rupee
Language - Region: kiswahili-east africa
Proverb: Penye tamu pana sumu
Translation: Where there is sweetness, there is poison
Language - Region: kiswahili-east africa
Proverb: Polepole ndio mwendo
Translation: Slowly slowly is the movement of life
Language - Region: kiswahili-east africa
Proverb: Penye kuku wengi usimwage mtama
Translation: Where there are many chickens do not spill millet
Language - Region: kiswahili-east africa
Proverb: Pole pole ndio mwendo
Translation: Slowly is indeed the pace
Language - Region: kiswahili-east africa
Proverb: Raha si karaha
Translation: Peace has no aversion
Language - Region: kiswahili-east africa
Proverb: Samaki mmoja akioza, huoza wote
Translation: If one fish rots, it spoils all the others
Language - Region: kiswahili-east africa
Proverb: Samaki mkuje angali mbichi
Translation: Bend a fish while it is still fresh
Language - Region: kiswahili-east africa
Proverb: Bila utu, pesa si kitu
Translation: Without humanity, money is nothing
Language - Region: kiswahili-east africa
Proverb: Bahati ya mwenzio usiilalie mlango wazi
Translation: Do not leave a door open for someone's luck
Language - Region: kiswahili-east africa