Proverb: Pole pole ndio mwendo
Translation: Slowly is indeed the pace
Language - Region: kiswahili-east africa
Translation: Slowly is indeed the pace
Language - Region: kiswahili-east africa
Proverb: Samaki mmoja akioza, huoza wote
Translation: If one fish rots, it spoils all the others
Language - Region: kiswahili-east africa
Translation: If one fish rots, it spoils all the others
Language - Region: kiswahili-east africa
Proverb: Samaki mkuje angali mbichi
Translation: Bend a fish while it is still fresh
Language - Region: kiswahili-east africa
Translation: Bend a fish while it is still fresh
Language - Region: kiswahili-east africa
Proverb: Mti wenye matunda ndio unaopigwa mawe
Translation: The tree that bears fruit is the tree that people throw stones at
Language - Region: kiswahili-east africa
Translation: The tree that bears fruit is the tree that people throw stones at
Language - Region: kiswahili-east africa
Proverb: Mume ni kazi, na mke ni nguo
Translation: The husband works, the wife dresses
Language - Region: kiswahili-east africa
Translation: The husband works, the wife dresses
Language - Region: kiswahili-east africa
Proverb: Mtaka yote hukosa yote
Translation: One who wants all loses all
Language - Region: kiswahili-east africa
Translation: One who wants all loses all
Language - Region: kiswahili-east africa
Proverb: Mchuma janga hula na wa kwao
Translation: He/she who gets calamity, affects his/her relatives
Language - Region: kiswahili-east africa
Translation: He/she who gets calamity, affects his/her relatives
Language - Region: kiswahili-east africa
Proverb: Mwerevu hajinyoi, akijinyoa hujikata
Translation: A clever person cannot shave himself otherwise he will cut himself
Language - Region: kiswahili-east africa
Translation: A clever person cannot shave himself otherwise he will cut himself
Language - Region: kiswahili-east africa
Proverb: Nyani haoni kundule
Translation: The ape sees not his own hinder parts
Language - Region: kiswahili-east africa
Translation: The ape sees not his own hinder parts
Language - Region: kiswahili-east africa