Proverb: Akupa zanhi ndewak
Translation: He who gives you advice is a friend
Language - Region: shona-zimbabwe
Translation: He who gives you advice is a friend
Language - Region: shona-zimbabwe
Proverb: Musikana chihambakwe asvika anokanda chibw
Translation: A girl is a mound (of stones made by passersby where paths cross for wading off bad luck), whoever passes by throws a stone/ A girl is open for courtship by all prospective husbands
Language - Region: shona-zimbabwe
Translation: A girl is a mound (of stones made by passersby where paths cross for wading off bad luck), whoever passes by throws a stone/ A girl is open for courtship by all prospective husbands
Language - Region: shona-zimbabwe
Proverb: Chakafukidza dzimba mateng
Translation: What hides the insides of houses are roofs
Language - Region: shona-zimbabwe
Translation: What hides the insides of houses are roofs
Language - Region: shona-zimbabwe
Proverb: Kugona mbavha huironger
Translation: Set a trap to catch a thie
Language - Region: shona-zimbabwe
Translation: Set a trap to catch a thie
Language - Region: shona-zimbabwe
Proverb: Makangamwa chazuro nehop
Translation: Do not forget challenges of yesterday because of slee
Language - Region: shona-zimbabwe
Translation: Do not forget challenges of yesterday because of slee
Language - Region: shona-zimbabwe
Proverb: Zviro zviedzwa chembere yekwaChivi yakabika mabwe ikaseva muto
Translation: Things are to be tried, an old woman from Chivi boiled stones and got soup from them as relish
Language - Region: shona-zimbabwe
Translation: Things are to be tried, an old woman from Chivi boiled stones and got soup from them as relish
Language - Region: shona-zimbabwe
Proverb: Natsa kwawabva, kwaunoenda husik
Translation: Be good to those you are leaving behind because it is night where you are going
Language - Region: shona-zimbabwe
Translation: Be good to those you are leaving behind because it is night where you are going
Language - Region: shona-zimbabwe
Proverb: Ateya riva murutsva haatye mhapa/magaro kusvipa
Translation: He who sets a trap in a place where the grass has been burnt is not afraid of making his mhapa (clothes made of animal skin) or bums dirty.
Language - Region: shona-zimbabwe
Translation: He who sets a trap in a place where the grass has been burnt is not afraid of making his mhapa (clothes made of animal skin) or bums dirty.
Language - Region: shona-zimbabwe
Proverb: Zingizi gonyera pamwe, maruva enyika haaper
Translation: Wasp coil in one place, flowers of the world are inexhaustible.
Language - Region: shona-zimbabwe
Translation: Wasp coil in one place, flowers of the world are inexhaustible.
Language - Region: shona-zimbabwe
Proverb: Chinoziva ivhu kuti mwana wembeva anorwar
Translation: It is the soil that knows about the illness of mouse’s child
Language - Region: shona-zimbabwe
Translation: It is the soil that knows about the illness of mouse’s child
Language - Region: shona-zimbabwe